Photography education made

When you learn photography with me, my goal is to create a nurturing environment where your skills grow and creativity flourishes.  I'll work with you on the technical aspects of photography, composition, and storytelling. But it doesn't stop there. The true magic lies in igniting your own creative spark and the exhilaration of exploring those new horizons. 

teaching within a supportive and inspiring environment

simple, straight-forward, and fun

and fun

My teaching of nature and landscape photography is distinguished by a holistic approach that combines technical expertise, artistic vision, and a deep reverence for the natural world. I foster a supportive and inclusive learning environment, empowering students to explore their creative potential while developing a solid foundation in technical skills. Beyond the mechanics of photography, I nurture their unique visual voice and storytelling abilities, encouraging a connection between art and nature.

Commitment to Leave it Better

With personalized instruction, practical assignments, and constructive feedback, I guide students on a transformative journey of growth and self-discovery. I emphasize observation, patience, and mindfulness in capturing nature's essence.  But what truly sets me apart is my passion for nature and commitment to environmental stewardship. I desire to create and teach photographers how to create images that raise awareness and foster appreciation for our planet.

set your expectations to find:

Understand How to Create Images with Purpose and Impact

I offer more than technical guidance; I cultivate creativity, storytelling, and environmental consciousness. By forging a deeper connection with nature, we can learn to create images that resonate. By harmonizing art and nature, we create purposeful and impactful photographs that contribute to the preservation and appreciation of our natural environment.

Fun & Supportive Learning Environment

an aBundance OF atmospheric mist, spring greens covering the landscape, dogwoods in bloom, cascading rivers, waterfalls,  and  wildflowers covering the landscape

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April 27th - May 1st, 2025

lodging at little arrow outdoor resort and the tremont lodge & resort

Daily hands-on instruction during extended field sessions with our 14 instructors

I'm excited to teach with Out of Chicago for the Out of the Great Smoky Mountains 2025 photography conference. There will be 14 instructors who will share their passion for photography as we explore one of my favorite parks. 

Ensure you're on my mailing list to secure your spot once registration opens in July.

Connect with me in the Great Smoky Mountains



Educational Offerings:

more about workshops

Private Field Sessions

I offer a select number of private photography workshops each year. Photographers will find immense value in these experiences  since they are personalized guidance, tailored to individual needs and goals. Whether it's honing composition, mastering light, or capturing unique perspectives, I foster an environment to photograph together and refine the craft in real-time. This personalized experience enables photographers to accelerate their learning, overcome challenges, and capture images creatively and with confidence.

more about mentoring

Photography Mentoring

A virtual photography mentoring session with me is a powerful catalyst for propelling your growth as a photographer. In these personalized 60 minute Zoom sessions, we delve deeply into the specific focus area of your choice. It's a dedicated space where your questions find answers, your images receive insightful feedback, your methods receive expert guidance, and you uncover hidden gems of knowledge you never knew existed.

How to Organize Photos in Lightroom

see the course details

My online course provides a comprehensive and efficient system that streamlines your workflow, saves valuable time, and enhances your Lightroom experience. With my guidance, you gain practical skills and strategies to effectively manage your growing image library, find photos fast, and create a productive workflow. Avoid the hours spent searching for your photos and instead focus more time immersed in nature with your camera.


"The single most important component of a camera is the 12 inches behind it."


"Photographers stop photographing subjects too soon before they have exhausted the possibilities."


"If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it would not seem so wonderful at all."


"Dodging and burning are steps to take care of mistakes God made in establishing tonal relationships."

Or waffles, friends, work. Doesn't matter, but work is third. Thankfully, reading my awesome monthly newsletter isn't work. It's a roundup of my adventures, teachable moments and photography finds I've come across that I believe you'll enjoy too. 

We need to remember what's important in life: friends, waffles, work.