The best way to describe my photography journey is a revolving door...

The beauty of photography and being a master naturalist is that there is no final destination. It’s a continuous journey because there is always something new to learn, to wonder about, and to try and experiment with a camera in hand.

Encouraging creativity in landscape photography

Mama, Wife, Friend, Master Naturalist, Artist, Photographer, Engineer, Nerd, Coordinator of Chaos, Solo Entrepreneur.

things I answer to:

With the dog or cat at the party, awake before sunrise, relaxing on my porch, birdwatching, listening to an audiobook 


Being hangry, letting self-doubt run the show, focusing on things I can't control, energy vampires


Meaningful conversation, unplugging from my phone regularly, letting nature be my guide, punny jokes


This new hobby quickly spiraled into an intoxicating and blissful obsession. After years of learning, the cement hardened, and photography had become a permanent extension of my being. Initially, it took me a long time to feel like my images were good enough to say “I’m a photographer” out loud. Even though my photography will always be a continuous evolution, I can finally speak the words “I’m a travel, nature, and landscape photographer” to others. And I'm thankful every day that this passion turned into a profession. 

Achieving my Master Naturalist certification has been a transformative experience. It has allowed me to integrate a deeper understanding of ecosystems and wildlife into my work, making my photography not just visually stunning but also educational and impactful.

With a family in the mix these days, I certainly appreciate more local landscapes but savor the travel when it comes my way. My new mom tagline is chasing a toddler or chasing beautiful light while still enjoying every bit of grey and blue in between. There’s a photo anywhere if you are willing to slow down and find your connection to nature.

My eyes opened to a whole new world of exploring and the genre of landscape photography.

When an opportunity presented itself to quit my job and move overseas, I jumped at the chance. With no friends or family near or even in the same time zone, I found myself with a lot of free time. Additionally, I had some of the world’s most prestigious mountain peaks at my doorstep to fill the void. It started as fun weekend hiking excursions with my camera.

By some random chance, I found an advertisement for a photography workshop in English and immediately signed up. Despite being known for my planning and preparedness, this was a time when I jumped without looking at what was below. That workshop was an embarrassing but funny train wreck for me. But that’s a story to be told over dinner with a glass of something. Although, we grow from being uncomfortable. As a result, I grew a lot that weekend.

My Turning Point

Chris Stapleton


mac and cheese


Silent Spring Revolution
by Douglas Brinkley


coffee or sparkling water


Ted Lasso



Southern Appalachian Ecology








center column




night owl


au naturel




Where I stand on the super important stuff... Agree / disagree? 

This      That


My Favorite Things

Coffee! A hot cup of java as I wait for sunrise is a perfect moment.

my happy place!

The Mountains! It's my zone of serenity where all of my best ideas happen.

Sitting around a campfire, provided I'm not the one in the smoke path.

My Favorite Things

Sunglasses, sunblock, and chapstick. Never leave home without them!

Ice cream. Gummi Bears. French Fries. Macarons. S'more anything.

my guilty pleasure

A day that involves playing in a pond, lake, creek, stream, or river.

Education & Outreach:

Became aware of hidden nuances in landscapes, opening doors to a wealth of creative possibilities and unique photo opportunities others might miss.

Every adventure into the landscape feels not only like a playground but also a thrilling exploration and lesson of nature's beauty and wonder.

Inspiration & Creativity:

It's landscape photography with a green twist, learned ways to create stunning photographs and also tread lightly on the environment for a sustainable future.

Eco-smart photography:

Sharpened observation skills to create photographs with clarity and confidence, whether it's the grandest vista or the tiniest detail.

Keen eye for detail:

A deeper understanding of the ecology of the landscape reveals hidden gems and unique photo opportunities I never knew existed.

Ecosystem Expertise:

Five Ways Becoming a Master Naturalist Changed My Nature Photography

did we just become best friends?

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